Tuesday, February 18, 2014

About me and my blog

Lizzy's World: Ups and Downs of my World I have spent the majority of my life trying to balance my beliefs, my intellegence and my personality with the world around me. I try not to push my feelings and beliefs on others while maintaining what I believe in myself. If someone asks what I believe I will share with them what I believe. Before I go on reading my blog, please know the following things about me: 1. I am a born again believer. This means that I believe that there is a God and that He gave His only Son for our sins. I believe that Jesus rose for the dead on the 3rd day and I believe that the Holy Spirit resides in us. I DO NOT believe that this in anyway makes me better than anyone else. It also DOES NOT mean that I am perfect. It simply means that I am forgiven. I make errors in judgement like everyone else. I sin. I simply have the option to go before my heavenly Father and ask for forgiveness. 2. Because of my belief in God, I do not believe that all "lifestyles" are viable options and will be accepted by God in heaven in the afterlife. This DOES NOT mean I HATE gay people. This DOES NOT mean I HATE people who are transgender/transsexual. I have many family and friends who are gay and bi sexual. I love them and care for them as I do any of my straight friends. I don't expect people to follow what I believe but if you find my opinions bother you that much you have to be cruel and intolerant, please stop reading this now and leave my blog. 3. I do not care what your skin color is, what religion you are, what your gender is, what your sexual preferences are, nor what you believe politically. I DO believe that everyone has the right to live their own lives as they see fit. I hope that my own life will eventually become fit enough to be an example for others to follow but for now I am perfectly happy just answering questions when asked and offering intelligent conversation. If you believe or don't believe something and want to discuss why, fine. Offer me an intelligent conversation and I will be happy to converse. I do not respond to "because you should" or "because that is just how it is" type of answers or reasons. Those are not intelligent reasoned statements. I am starting this blog as an outlet for my emotions and frustrations. I want to share some of my writings and poetry and perhaps even have a few people share their writings and poems. I like to have dialogues with people that are intelligent and insightful. We can agree to disagree and still be friends. I am ok with that. We don't have to see eye to eye on everything. I look forward to seeing what we can share and build together.